How Climate Change and Oil Depletion Illustrate the Limits to Growth

Prof. Dennis Meadows

Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, Beginn 19:00

Altes Rathaus, Wipplingerstraße 6, 1010 Wien

Dennis Meadows is an American scientist and received a Ph.D. in Managment from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he was director of the „Club of Rome Project on the Predicament of Mankind“ between 1970 and 1972. Further on Meadows has been a tenured professor in faculties of management, engineering, and social sciences. For many years he was the director of a graduate program based in business and engineering. He has been the Director of three university research institutes: at MIT, Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire. He is the Past President of the International System Dynamics Society and the International Simulation and Games Association. He has been a corporate board member and a consultant for government, industry and non-profit groups in the U.S. and many countries abroad. He co-founded the Balaton Group, an international network of over 300 professionals in over 30 nations involved in systems science, public policy and sustainable development.
